After the Rain…

I miss my father terribly, especially today.

All of these photos, taken just outside the house after a lonely rain, are dedicated to him.

Food Porn: Skybox’s Delicious Offers

I’m terrible with names.

I’ve tasted all these, but I don’t know what they’re individually called. Excuse the gap, please.

Cheers to delicious meals!


I only knew photojournalism before venturing into other photography genres. I’m a journalist by trade, so it comes with the territory.

When I was still a stringer for Agence France Presse (AFP), a few of my photos were published in well-known newspapers around the world and I was paid for them. The pay and the opportunity to see my photos on the pages of these newspapers were enough to keep me in photojournalism for a long time.

My dad, Toying R. Formoso, and I at this restaurant in Sta. Monica. This was the las time we saw him smiling fully like that.

My dad, Toying R. Formoso, and I at this restaurant in Sta. Monica. This was the last time we saw him smiling fully like that. We miss him every day… a lot!

However, after the elections and learning that my father has autoimmune hemolytic anemia and, eventually, lymph node cancer, I discovered that there is more to photography than photojournalism.

Photography, as well as experimenting with other genres, provided me with the needed distraction from my father’s illness. Whenever he’s on chemotherapy, I’d wander all around his hospital area with the DSLR I bought secondhand.

That’s how it went… that’s where it all began for me. Since then, I’ve taken a lot of photos… except of my father, because I couldn’t bear it. Because I always wanted him to be fresh in my mind… unaffected, always smiling, always joking around with us.